Choosing the right gift for your agency friends and colleagues is not an easy task. You want a gift that is useful, yet clever, reasonably priced, but still impressive all at the same time. Therefore, we decided to interview Swarm team members from each department and gather some gift ideas for your last minute shopping this Holiday Season.
Digital Strategist
Strategist’s minds are creative and one-of-a-kind, therefore they want a gift that speaks to this unique nature. Get them something that no one has ever heard of before involving cutting edge technology like this Bluetooth speaker that defies gravity or a Nano Quadcopter the size of a quarter.
The Om/One Levitating Bluetooth Speaker

Designers work hard to bring ideas to life. While they might be intimidating to shop for due to their selective tastes, they are artists, and therefore have many interests. They can be artists across all mediums. They may enjoy creating digital art at work, but in their free time, like to explore more traditional art. Give them a gift that allows them to explore their creativity! Ampersand + Mousepad Bundle

Project Manager
PM’s may not like to admit it, but they are basically task ninjas. As natural planners, they want everything organized at work and at home. Gifts that can help them in their work life and home life are key. Organizers and caffeine; fuel for the fiercest fires. Passion Planner

Social Media Manager
Social & Community Managers work around the clock managing and engaging on a plethora of social networks. They love trending topics and speaking hashtag language. Give them the power to make anything the #1 trending topic in their office.
Hashtag Chalkboard

And last but not least, a priceless gift to give these folks would be a day in their shoes. See what it’s like to community manage just one client for one day.

Developers basically live in front of the computer. They are constantly using tools to make sure they are implementing the best coding practices and staying on top of industry trends, but they also need sugary fuel to keep them energized throughout the day. They’ve got to survive those occasional all-nighters somehow!
Snack Basket

SEO Specialist
SEO Specialists live, breath and sleep SEO, but they are kids at heart. Give them a gift that will allow them to unleash their inner child and help them escape from always analyzing data!
Google Android Mini Collectible Figures

Anyone & Everyone
Agency members are professional multitaskers. They are always working on multiple projects all at once and constantly checking emails. With so many tasks at hand, I don’t think anyone in this field would complain about some extra screen space. A command center is never a bad option.
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